Poutine Feast

Canada's Touring Poutine Festival

(613) 806-6633

Contact Us Here


Poutine Feast Ontario Inc

PO Box 213,
Napanee ON,
K7R 3M3

Poutine Feast is a collection of award-winning food professionals specializing in the greatest food ever invented in Canada, the poutine and will be touring across Canadian Provinces.

With over 100 variations and generous portions there is a poutine for everyone from vegans to meat lovers.  

Poutine Feast is more than just award-winning food.  It’s a unique atmosphere that is both family-friendly and a great place to hang out with friends. We feature music, entertainment, food and much more.

Find the city nearest you to experience what Poutine Feast is all about and for the latest information visit our Facebook.


James Doucet - CEO james@poutinefeast.com


Susan Jones - Managing Partner

On Site Coordinator admin@poutinefeast.com


Dave Conway - Managing Partner


Poutine feast would like to thank everyone for making us CANADA’S fastest growing poutine festival